May 2009
Alrighty! Well, this month has been pretty amazing!
Spent most of my time in Turkey for this part of my trip… and have fallen in love with Turkey.
In Turkey, I have done the tour of Gallipoli, which was… amazing!
Then after that, headed over to Istanbul to hang there, and travel with Karina.
With Karina we then caught a bus to Cappocidicia where there are all the caves, and on the bus we caught up with Andy Young and Jess, who were travelling together. So we cruised around with them, as a big team.
Cappocidia was sick, but we knew we had to get to Olympus because Youngie and Jess were going on a Cruise. So Karina and I thought, that we as well should get on that band wagon.
The Cruise was good, but I got a bit bored and homesick so I was glad to get off at Feyithe.
We spent 3 nights at a hostel in Feiythe which was sick, I nearly got in fights when we went out, because there is no such thing as a single Turkish girl, so nearly got in a bit of trouble there… I spose it didn’t help that Youngie and I got up on the bands stage and played their instruments whilst they were on a break.
When Feithye was done and dusted, we then caught a bus to, Bodrum, where the whole place is filled up with English people. So it wasn’t so cool. It was also relativity expensive as well, which sucked, but we got on the pre’s again, and it was epic! A lot of fun nights out there.
From there, I caught busses to Vassiliki, Lefkada to where I am now, and loving it! Im finally back windsurfing again! And trying heaps of new tricks!
Its awesome…
I spoke to the head dude of Sunsail/Club Vass, and he kinda offered me a job there… but not really. Since I am not really able to work there, my ‘job’ is to put sails away and clean boards. It sucks, but I don’t mind, I get free accom and cheap food, and full use of kit. Can’t ask for more really.
There was also talk of me going to Dahab to do a bit of work there as well… but we shall see!
See you next month!
You Beauty!